PinnedPatrick ParkerinAbout Me StoriesAbout Me — Patrick ParkerI help people become who they truly are!Jun 3, 20227Jun 3, 20227
PinnedPatrick ParkerinEverything FunDear Jon: Saying Thanks To My PenPal of Fifteen YearsWhen I was a twenty-year-old aspiring musician, I met a man in his retirement named Jon who would become my musical mentor, and even more…May 30, 20221May 30, 20221
Patrick ParkerinEverything FunMake Time for Fun!Steven Covey’s classic framework for prioritizing your time.Mar 3, 20232Mar 3, 20232
Patrick ParkerinEverything FunValues > AmbitionHow to process the emotions that arise from denying the egoFeb 17, 20232Feb 17, 20232
Patrick ParkerinEverything FunDon’t give me your admiration. Give me your love.Author Chetan Bhagat’s words of wisdom about the perils of putting people on pedestals.Sep 21, 20221Sep 21, 20221
Patrick ParkerinEverything FunStop Comparing Your Insides to Others’ OutsidesYou cannot become your authentic self and compare yourself to others at the same time.Sep 2, 20221Sep 2, 20221
Patrick ParkerinEverything FunFinding Mona LisaDa Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” is is the best known, most visited, most written and sung about work of art in the world. But for me, finding her…Aug 31, 20221Aug 31, 20221
Patrick ParkerinNew Earth ConsciousnessEncountering Serendipity at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Paris, France“The seeds of great discoveries are constantly floating around us, but they only take root in minds well-prepared to receive them (Joseph…Aug 28, 20221Aug 28, 20221
Patrick ParkerinEverything FunMy Pilgrimage to Chartres CathedralHow the portals and keystones of Chartres Cathedral facilitated my inner journeyAug 28, 20221Aug 28, 20221